Lacey Jane Band
Vintage Rock n Roll
Leaving family and friends in Ohio to make the move to Florida was not an easy decision. Our best friends were also the members of our rock n roll band, "the Rejects, Kings of Kazoo-Rock" and we had been playing together since 1974.
Beth and I were not sure about our musical future, but having been teachers for 35 years, we knew it was time for a change.
Shortly before our move we added a new puppy to our family, a cockapoo that we named Lacey Jane.
"Lacey" because on the day we met her, she proceeded to untie our shoe laces.
I always told Beth that "Lacey Jane" sounded like a good name for a hippie, oldies band. So, that's how our duo was named. Actually, we wanted to just go by Lacey Jane, but someone had already taken that name on Facebook, so we added "Band" to our name.
It is unlikely that you have ever heard of the Rejects, so here is a promotional video that I did, probably around 2010 for the band. Hope you enjoy. It brings back some great memories. To Mike, Steve, Brian, Don, Tom and the Lovely Trish ...it was an epic run and you will forever be in our hearts.
We are so excited that we have been able to bring the music of the Lacey Jane Band to Ohio and Indiana. Check out our gig list and we hope to see you this summer!